Policy Pitstop: July 2023

Written by
FFYN Council

National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity  
The National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB) has now been finalised and was gazetted on 7 July 2023. The NPSIB will come into force from 4 August 2023 and will be implemented over several years, using set criteria for councils to identify significant natural areas. You can view more information and the NPS-IB on the MfE website here: 

Biodiversity credit system 
The Government is exploring whether a biodiversity credit system could help to incentivise the protection and restoration of native wildlife in Aotearoa New Zealand. Many farmers, landowners, and tangata whenua invest time and resources in protecting indigenous biodiversity on their land so this has the potential to impact you, and the industry.  

 You can find out more information and be involved in the consultation here: https://consult.environment.govt.nz/biodiversity/nz-biodiversity-credit-system/

Update on the NBA and SPA Bills  
In late June, the Environment Select Committee released their reports, making recommendations to parliament on the Spatial Planning (SPA) and Natural and Built Environment (NBE) Bills. You can read the report here for the NBE Bill and here for the SPA Bill. Instead of delving through all 1,377 pages of both reports, you can read a great summary prepared by Wynn Williams by clicking here: https://www.wynnwilliams.co.nz/insights/environment-and-planning/the-road-to-reform-environment-select-committee-releases-its-reports-on-the-natural-and-built-environment-bill-and-spatial-planning-bill/

Both the Natural and Built Environment Bill and Spatial Planning Bill passed their second reading in Parliament on Tuesday 18 July 2023. The Bills will now be passed to the Committee of the Whole House which will consider them in detail, raise questions and make any changes they feel are warranted. You can read the transcripts here:    

Second reading of the NBA                           
Second reading of the SPA 

Written by
FFYN Council

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